Welcome to SoHuman

Herein you will find my own personal journal, of sorts, with topics ranging from my children and parenting techniques, my personal story, faith, home life, friends and family stories, and so on. I welcome your comments, questions, suggestions and connections.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Last night I had a dream that all the snow had melted. It was kind of strange, because I couldn't remember it melting... it was just here one day, and gone the next. Because I'm interested in dream interpretation, you might think I've analyzed this one to pieces. But actually, I'm pretty sure it just means that Spring is coming (a no-brainer, really) (even you could have guessed that... and you probably haven't read nearly as many Dream Interpretation books as I have!).

So, be of good cheer! Spring *is* coming... and soon you'll be swatting black flies and mosquitoes, wishing it was Winter.


  1. are you kidding me??? i will never swat a bug and wish it were winter! never! :)

    and, as for emily...wow! are you already booked on a flight to equador?

    lastly, i use lower case because i like it.

    your dream interpretation gift is remarkable!


    crx queen

  2. It's so good to know you're still lurking in the shadows. Just can't wait to hear the update on your therapy sessions!
