Now we move on to Patricia Katherine Bourget, called Kate or Katey.
It's funny how two children raised so closely together can be so different. This is not to say Lilly and Kate are night and day, but it's amazing how Kate has managed to carve out her own niche so clearly and so well.
No one in this family is so attached to family and tradition as is my little Kateybug. She loves having things just so, and thrives when all goes according to plan. She strives to be helpful and cheerful, and aims to please. She is quiet, usually, and ever-observing the big picture. She soaks things in, and remembers many small details... so like her mother that way. And actually, she reminds me more of myself than any of my children. She has sudden mood swings, but overall remains calm and controlled whenever possible.
She has a great sense of humor which often surprises me for someone the tender age of ten. She is wise beyond her years, which adds depth to her humor. She gets jokes that fly past some adults in her acquaintance. She tells jokes those same adults miss completely. She appreciates nuance and subtlety.
Katey is a dedicated scholar, athlete and musician. She works hard to excel in all areas. She pushes herself to exceed the standard, and often gets frustrated when she can't reach the limits she's set for herself. She is precise in following directions, and as such is the most talented musician in the household.
Her looks are almost exotic - the camera loves her almost as much as she loves the camera. She would love to model. She enjoys performing in every sense of the word. She's a natural-born actress, with a particular eye for drama. I love watching her performances, and will not be surprised if she pursues performing arts in college and beyond.
She appreciates a good, honest talk, and is fun to take on dates, or trips, or just anywhere. She is my best assistant photographer, in fact, and my photography improves when she works with me. She has a calming effect on me when I work, and acts as a great distraction and instructor for my younger clients.
More than anyone in my life, Kate inspires me to be a better person. I am well aware she watches me wherever I go, whatever I say or do, whenever she is able. She has a keen eye for honesty, perferring the truth to sugar-coating or deceipt. I have enjoyed watching her grow, and am very interested in the paths she will choose for her future.
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