Let's begin a little documentary on my children, so when they are grown they will see that I really was paying attention, after all. And they will know it wasn't my only intent in life to make them miserable... I also intend to reveal and embarrass them, sharing the wonderful details of our life together as they learn and grow (OK, we're all learning and growing).
I'll start in the beginning. My firstborn, of course, is Lilly, nee Lillian Abbott Bourget. Now 12, she is in the second half of her eighth grade year at Oxford Middle School. My original pride and joy, she continually raises the bar unattainably high for all her younger siblings. She excels at nearly everything she attempts, including (but not limited to) academics, sports, and musical endeavors. She is a natural... her one downfall is when something doesn't come easy to her, she becomes easily frustrated and chooses defeat over struggle.
As you can see (and as mentioned in an earlier blog), she really is quite a beauty. In these early stages of pubescence, she is tall and curvy... attributes I can neither take credit for, nor personally claim. I am awed by who she is, and often overwhelmed just to behold her. I feel so blessed to know her, moreso to say she is mine, and admit I have had a hand in her upbringing.
Of course I love her... she's my firstborn offspring. But on top of all this, I honestly LIKE her. She's fun to be around... bright, witty, appreciative of humor, respectful, and generally easy to get along with. She is open and honest, and willing to admit when she is wrong. She gives me hope for the future of this poor world.
Certainly there are times she acts her age. I am often surprised, but mostly I accept the discrepency. She deserves to let her hair down, and I can't expect more of someone who is so much already.
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