Welcome to SoHuman

Herein you will find my own personal journal, of sorts, with topics ranging from my children and parenting techniques, my personal story, faith, home life, friends and family stories, and so on. I welcome your comments, questions, suggestions and connections.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Any comments?

You encouraged me to blog. Now where's the feedback? I mean, I know I'm sporadic, at best, but I need to know if what's here is working for you?

Just so you know, too, I am up off my deathbed, and have been busy painting the newly-refinished basement. Hoping to get the kids down there with all (and I mean all...) their stuff. Maybe someday I'll take ownership of at least the first floor of this beautiful big house o' mine.


  1. I only read your blog on my phone and it doesn't allow me to comment. My internet is down at home so I am disconnected from the world!! I LOVE your blog... please continue. I laugh, I cry... I'll give you all my comments in person. Soon! Yipee!

    - Patricia

  2. I can not wait to meet your kids, and introduce them to my kids, and play in the snow together, and steamroller you and Seth one morning... We can hardly sleep we are so excited.
