Welcome to SoHuman

Herein you will find my own personal journal, of sorts, with topics ranging from my children and parenting techniques, my personal story, faith, home life, friends and family stories, and so on. I welcome your comments, questions, suggestions and connections.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Autumn Overview ... Now that winter's here...

Certain of my regular followers have requested a Bourget Family update from me, and it looks like today's the day.

Kate, Sam and Molly played soccer. I took them to most of their practices, but somehow managed only to see about three games total, all season! I'm not winning any Mother of the Year awards for this behavior!

Lilly did not play a sport. I don't recall what she did do, but I'm sure she was quite busy. Currently, she is on the JV Cheering squad. Go Vikes!

Sophie is home with me, getting smarter by the minute, and quite possibly cuter by the day. She has started reading, and writes letters to her grandparents (all the way in Buckfield) regularly.

Kate is trying the homeschool scene. We've signed her up for the A Beka program. No, she does not love it. Yes, this will be her last year homeschooling.

Scott still works in Portsmouth, NH; I still work in the house trying to make sense of the organizing process.

Our SIXTH Annual Cider on the Hill was the biggest and best yet. Over the course of two days we squeezed 153 gallons of cider. We've given most of it away, but for the first time ever, we have more than eight gallons for ourselves.

In general, we are happy, healthy and eager for the Christmas season. Last Friday we enjoyed 67 degree weather. By Sunday we had our first sticking snow. Winter is here, and a blizzard is on its way (depending on who you ask... there are several conflicting reports). It's not even Wednesday yet! The tree is up, the decorations half-done (though that may be the extent of it this year), the lists mostly made... we'll send letters to Santa soon, and hopefully get to see at least one Christmas cantata somewhere.

I've recently spent some time rereading several past blog entries. I seem to be a bit entertaining as a writer! I amuse even myself. =) There is a lot of me saying "more about that later...", so now I've got to go back and read everything and get those other stories done. And don't think I've forgotten I was supposed to give a detailed blog about each of my children... as yet I've only included the top two (er, I mean... the eldest two). I've been looking to Sam for inspiration, and I think some ideas are beginning to form. More on that later.

1 comment:

  1. More on that later is such a TEASE!!! Kind of short for a comeback after a four month hiatus. I miss your amusing stories.
